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Proceedings of the 20th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics

edited by Karine Megerdoomian and Leora Anne Bar-el

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Front cover image   viii + 665 pages
publication date: December 2001

ISBN 978-1-57473-243-6 CD-ROM, $20.00
ISBN 978-1-57473-043-2 paperback, $40.00
ISBN 978-1-57473-143-9 library binding, $80.00


The WCCFL 20 conference took place February 23-25, 2001 at USC. The volume contains 48 papers from the conference. We have posted a short errata page.

The CD contains all of the papers in Acrobat (.pdf) format, so you can easily browse or search the proceedings and print the papers you want to read. The proceedings are also available in paperback and library binding.


1.   Phases and Interpretability
     David Adger and Gillian Ramchand     1-14

2.   Diathesis Alternations and Rule Interaction in the Lexicon
     Raúl Aranovich and Jeffrey T. Runner     15-28

3.   Conjunction Weakening and Morphological Plurality
     Ron Artstein     29-42

4.   A [+interpretable] Number Feature on Verbs: 
     Evidence from Squamish Salish
     Leora Bar-el, Peter Jacobs, and Martina Wiltschko     43-55

5.   Integrity: A Syntactic Constraint on Quantificational Scoping
     Chris Barker     56-67

6.   Partial Copying and Emergent Unmarkedness 
     in Igbo Reduplication
     Jill Beckman     68-81

7.   The Implications of Rich Agreement: 
     Why Morphology doesn't Drive Syntax
     Jonathan David Bobaljik     82-95

8.   Resumptives as Derivational Residues
     Cedric Boeckx     96-108

9.   Maintaining Contrast in Nxa'amxcín Reduplication
     Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins and Suzanne Urbanczyk     109-122

10.  WH-Movement as Noun Incorporation in Nuu-chah-nulth
     Henry Davis and Naomi Sawai     123-136

11.  On Inclusive Reference Anaphora: 
     New Perspectives from Hungarian
     Marcel den Dikken, Anikó Lipták, Zsófia Zvolenszky     137-149

12.  On certain head-final effects in Vietnamese
     Nigel Duffield     150-163

13.  On the Semantics of Pronouns and Definite Articles
     Paul Elbourne     164-177

14.  Paradigmatic Restrictions on Anaphors
     Martin Everaert     178-191

15.  Getting Results: Motion Constructions 
     in Italian and Scottish Gaelic
     Raffaella Folli and Gillian Ramchand     192-205

16.  Syncope Induced Metrical Opacity as a Weight Effect
     Matthew Gordon     206-219

17.  Split Scrambling: Barriers as Violable Constraints
     Maria Gouskova     220-233

18.  Comparative Quantifiers and Plural Predication
     Martin Hackl     234-247

19.  Max-Position Drives Iterative Footing
     Nancy Hall     248-261

20.  Negation, Focus and Alternative Questions
     Chung-hye Han and Maribel Romero     262-275

21.  Event-related Adjuncts and the OV/VO Distinction
     Roland Hinterhölzl     276-289

22.  EPP: Object Shift and Stylistic Fronting in Scandinavian
     Ken Hiraiwa     290-303

23.  The Status of [voice] in German
     Michael Jessen and Catherine Ringen     304-317

24.  A (Covert) Long Distance Anaphor in English
     Christopher Kennedy and Jeffrey Lidz     318-331

25.  On Prerelatives and Appositives
     Cornelia Krause     332-345

26.  WH- and Focus Are Not the Same Projection
     Felicia Lee     346-357

27.  A Way to Undo A-movement
     Vivian Lin     358-371

28.  Intonation, Scope, and Restrictions on Quantifiers
     Luisa Martí     372-385

29.  AspP-shell Structure in VP-Ellipsis and ACD
     Ayumi Matsuo     386-399

30.  Obligatory Scalarity (a sliding scale)
     Ora Matushansky     400-413

31.  Quantitative Processes in Trochaic Systems
     Evan Mellander     414-427

32.  A Union Function for Complex Coordinate Structures
     Michelle J. Moosally and L. Kirk Hagen     428-441

33.  Interpreting Measure DP Adverbials
     Marcin Morzycki     442-455

34.  Indefinites and Frozen Scope in Japanese: 
     Restriction on QR and Choice Functions
     Kimiko Nakanishi     456-469

35.  A Distinctness Condition on Linearization
     Norvin Richards     470-483

36.  Licensing and Feature Interaction 
     Processes in Child Language
     Yvan Rose     484-497

37.  A Contrast to a Trace
     Uli Sauerland     498-509

38.  Subquestions and Quantificational Variability Effects
     Yael Sharvit and Sigrid Beck     510-523

39.  The End of CED?
     Arthur Stepanov     524-537

40.  What Can Child Japanese Tell Us 
     about the Syntax of Scrambling?
     Koji Sugisaki and Miwa Isobe     538-551

41.  Information Structure and Disambiguation in Japanese
     Satoshi Tomioka     552-564

42.  Between Mass and Count
     Lucia M. Tovena     565-578

43.  A Neo-Lexicalist Movement Analysis of Incorporation
     Takashi Toyoshima     579-592

44.  The Syntax of Transitivity and Its Effects: 
     Evidence from Halkomelem Salish
     Martina Wiltschko     593-606

45.  Measure Phrase Modification 
     in Vector Space Semantics
     Yoad Winter     607-620

46.  An Argument for Category Neutrality?
     Rachel Wojdak     621-634

47.  AGREE--The other VP-internal subject hypothesis
     Susi Wurmbrand     635-648

48.  On Distributional Differences between 
     Universal and Existential Quantifiers
     Kazuko Yatsushiro     649-660

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